Little Friends
Early Childhood Care and Education

Senior Twos
The children in this class range from 2.5 to 3.0 years old. The ratio is 4:1. Two classes of 8 and two teachers are represented in our Senior Twos program.

We are so busy all day long. We make time for group singing, finger plays and stories to promote language development and cooperative play. Then we have art activities like painting, coloring, collage-making and special projects so we can flex our creative muscles.

We start science and exploration activities such as gardening and cooking; math activities like counting, sorting and patterning. We practice our small muscle skills by building with Legos and links, lacing with beads and playing with puzzles.
Self help and good manners are practiced everyday. Children are given the opportunity to be "snack helper," which includes a trip to the kitchen to help prep and hand out snacks. Everyone helps with clean up after activities and snack/lunch periods.